On September 28th, our first workshop “Interdisciplinary Research and Learning in Engineering Informatics” was attended by colleagues from 6 engineering informatics programs: Wedel University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg University of Technology, Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Ilmenau University of Technology, and Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.
It was a great opportunity to get to know the colleagues, the orientation of the study programs, their teaching concepts and research activities.
Especially great: We are planning a follow-up meeting for next year in the last week of September: We cordially invite colleagues from all Computer Science in Engineering programs to attend.

Thanks to the members of the program committee, all authors and speakers, and the event organization of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..
Here is an overview of our program.
The papers of the workshop can be found here in the section “Education – Interdisciplinary Research and Learning in Engineering Informatics”.